Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

News Archive

June 06, 2016

Ginbot 20 celebrated at Embassy

Staff and Ethiopian Diaspora alike celebrated the 25th anniversary of Ginbot 20 on Saturday 4th June with lots of music, colour and dancing at the Ethiopian Embassy in London.

The event was attended by over 450 people including Dan Kira entertainment.


June 03, 2016

UK Foreign Secretary announces support for Ethiopia and Somalia

As part of Philip Hammond's three-day security trip to East Africa, the UK Foreign Secretary visited both Ethiopia and Somalia. During the visit Mr Hammond expressed his sympathies for the families of those that died in the recent Al-Shabab attack.

The Foreign Secretary said: 'A secure and stable Somalia is the UK’s top priority in East Africa and is in our own national security interests. Britain is providing security support to Somalia and to the African Union to tackle Al Shabaab, a terrorist organisation that cannot be allowed to take hold.'

While in Addis Ababa, he also encouraged the Ethiopian government to continue its support for the Somali Federal Government in order to cement the gains that have already been made. 'The whole region must work together to combat the scourge of Al Shabaab and the religious extremism that has such a damaging effect on the lives of ordinary people.', he said.

Mr Hammond went on to say: 'Britain will continue to work with Ethiopia to protect our national security interests and to help Ethiopia manage refugees in the country, and prevent their onward migration.'


June 01, 2016

UK Foreign Secretary arrives in Addis Ababa

The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, Philip Hammond, who is due for a two-day official visit to Ethiopia has arrived in Addis Ababa today (June 01, 2016). Upon arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, Hammond was welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Dr Tedros Adhanom, He is expected to meet with senior Ethiopian officials. Hammond is expected to meet with Ethiopian High-Level officials, including Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.


Important Notice


April 18, 2016

Tana Forum takes place in Bahir Dar

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 April the Tana Forum on “Africa in the Global Security Agenda” took place in Bahir Dar. Attended by over 230 people including high-profile participants such as former UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan, former Nigerian President Olusegan Obasanjo and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desselegn, the Forum addressed Africa’s role in the international security arena.

Opening the Forum PM Dessalegn said that African solutions needed to be found to African problems by collecting and analysing information and upgrading local institutions. Kofi Anan suggested that a strong national security force was important for Africa to assert itself and that Africa, as a continent, needed to have a strong and consistent voice at the UN Security Council. In this respect, the Munich Security Council Chairperson, Wolfgang Ischinger said that Africa had a legitimate right to expect minimum one permanent seat at the UN Security Council. He also called for greater involvement of women in matters of peace, security and conflict resolution.


April 15, 2016

Peace, Prosperity and Global Health Security

Below are quotations taken from a piece in the Huffington Post by Dr Tedros Adhanom

'Today [14 April 2016] and tomorrow, the African Union and my country of Ethiopia are proudly hosting the first Core Group Meeting of the Munich Security Conference held on the African continent. Senior leaders from Africa, Europe and the U.S. have gathered in Addis Ababa to exchange ideas on how we can work together to fight against violent extremism and address the dangers posed by epidemics, health emergencies and climate change. The issues on the table are many, but the core challenge is the same: How can we advance peace and prosperity in the face of both new and familiar crises?'

'Like other conflict affected regions, Africa continues to see religious, ethnic and politically motivated conflicts. Extremist violence is now entrenched in several parts of the world. Armed conflicts are leading to protracted refugee crises to the scale that has not been seen since World War II. The specter of climate change threatens worsening natural disasters, rapid urbanization, forced migration, and economic hardship for the most vulnerable. Despite significant global advances, inability to effectively address epidemics and health emergencies still prevail and continuously threaten global health security and economic development. The recent Ebola epidemic in West Africa is a case in point. We are in an era where we cannot separate the intricate link of peace, prosperity and health security.'

'Prior to joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I was the Minister of Health of Ethiopia for seven years. Health is both the foundation of my academic and professional careers and a personal passion. I know first-hand the important role health security plays in protecting lives and preventing the spread of disease. Health is an end in itself. Stabilizing economies and reducing political and civil strife are means to development, and, as such, are part of the approach for promoting healthy populations...'

To read the rest of the article click here.


April 15, 2016

Ethiopia in 60 seconds...

Wild Frontiers, a travel company, have released a 60 second video highlighting some of the things that make Ethiopia so beautiful.


April 15, 2016

Buried Treasures

Excavation work taking place in Maryam Anza on the Gheralta Plateau has pointed towards a wealthy and cosmopolitan early Axumite centre that traded with the Roman Empire.

So far an ancient cemetery has been excavated, discovered by farmers digging irrigation tunnels into the countryside. Seven graves have so far been excavated, most of which had multiple burials, but one, dubbed “Sleeping Beauty” was the location of a single woman, buried with luxurious items including a beaded necklace and belt, a lump of kohl and various pottery pieces.

Her discovery shows that the region traded with the Roman Empire and was home to people with high social status. This discovery could redefine how we view this region.

To read the full article from NADFAS Spring Review, click here and go to pages 36 & 37.


April 13, 2016

Omani Products Exhibition takes place in Addis

On Monday 11th April the Omani Products Exhibition 2016 (Opex) opened in Addis Ababa with over 100 companies in attendance, representing industries from food to furniture and manufacturing to medicine.

Ethiopia is the first country outside of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries to host Opex. Speaking at the Exhibition, Fahmy Al Hinai, honourary consul of Ethiopia in Oman and Vice-Chairman of the Opex Organisation Committee, said: “The event is vital due to the fact that it stimulates the marketing of the Omani products and expands their markets.”

On the sidelines of the event three agreements were signed with the aim of helping to facilitate further trade between Ethiopia and Oman who have enjoyed a healthy relationship over the last two years.

For more information click here.


April 13, 2016

China moves forward in US$4billion investment in Ogaden gas

Poly-GCL Petroleum Group Holdings, a joint venture between state-owned China Poly Group and Hong Kong-based Golden Concord Holdings, has announced that it is moving ahead with its investment in natural gas in Ethiopia’s Ogaden region.

Taken from Poly-GCL website

Research into the $4billion project drilling in Hilala and Calub fields recently yielded better than expected results, with Linag Jin, Gas Manager at commodities consultancy JYD telling Interfax Energy that “three sets of oil and gas shows had been detected.”

Poly-GCL signed five production sharing contracts with the Ethiopia Ministry of Mines in November 2013 for two development blocks and eight exploration blocks spanning 12 million hectares. It is thought that the blocks have technically recoverable reserves of 10billion+ cubic metres of gas.

The foundation stone of the project was laid in early March and construction is hoped to be completed by August. Poly-GLC will be using this year to find financial backers. Poly-GCL envisage the initial capacity of its terminals being 3mtpa each, rising to 10mpta.

To read more click here.


April 13, 2016

Ethiopia secures financing for Koysho Dam

In last month’s newsletter it was reported that Ethiopia was planning a new 2,000MW hydropower dam. Ethiopia has now secured the financing for this dam from an Italian export credit agency, Servizi Assicuative del Commerce Estero (SACE).

The dam will be situated on the lower banks of the Omo river in southern Ethiopia and is estimated to cost around US$1.7billion.

For more information click here.


April 08, 2016

Simien Lodge wins Silver prize in the African Responsible Tourism Awards

'Simien Lodge, the highest hotel in Africa at 3260 meters altitude in the Simien Mountain National Park, has just been awarded the Silver prize in the African Responsible Tourism Awards.'

'These awards are presented annually at World Travel Market in Cape Town, South Africa to the tourism enterprises that show good practices in their various fields. The competition was tough and there were originally 60 companies long-listed. This was reduced to 24 on a short-list just before the opening of the event on the 6th April.'

'Simien Lodge received the award for their work supporting the community in the Simien Mountains. Over the years this has varied from the donation of a brand new bus to the local woreda for transport in the mountains to the manufacture of hundreds of desks for local schools. The lodge has encouraged the donation medical equipment supplied by generous tourists including an ophthalmic microscope for cataract surgery to Gonder hospital.'

Quotes taken from the Simien Lodge press release. Click here to read the rest.

Photos taken from the Simien Lodge website.


April 01, 2016

‘Long Live [the] Cote d’Ivoire-Ethiopia relationship. Long live [the] Cote d’Ivoire-Ethiopia friendship.’

Dr Tedros has finished a visit to Cote d’Ivoire marking 50 years of bilateral relations. During his trip he made visits to Grand Bassam to express solidarity with the Ivorian people after the terror attack of March 13th; to the National Centre for Agronomic Research where he agreed for Ethiopia and Cote d’Ivoire to increase co-operation on agricultural research; and to the Mimosa Football Academy whose model he seeks to replicate in Ethiopia hopefully within the next 10 years.

During his trip he met with members of the Ethiopian diaspora community in Abidjan where he commended them for their contributions towards the GERD. Discussions also took place between Ethiopian Airlines and Air Cote d’Ivoire, the latter of whom is seeking to build capacity through Ethiopian especially with respect to the aviation academy in Ethiopia.

Dr Tedros signed several agreements on co-operation with Cote d’Ivoire which he described as ‘game-changers’, hoping to invigorate the relationship. A smiling Dr Tedros finished his trip with a speech praising the hospitality of Cote d’Ivoire, which he felt rivalled Ethiopia, and by saying ‘Long Live [the] Cote d’Ivoire-Ethiopia relationship. Long live [the] Cote d’Ivoire-Ethiopia friendship.’

To listen to Dr Tedros's closing speech click here.


April 01, 2016

Meet the Dibabas: The Fastest Family on the Planet

Chloe Malle from Vogue Magazine has caught up with the Dibaba family in Entoto and Addis Ababa to see, in such a running-mad country, what on earth makes the Dibabas this special!

Here is a selection of quotes from the article:

‘The Dibabas’ dominance in the field of distance running has captivated the track-and-field community. “There are a few running families, but not like the Dibabas,” says the Ethiopian track legend Haile Gebrselassie. These are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records, and they are as charmingly unassuming in person as they are fearsome on the track.’

‘In fact there are seven Dibaba siblings, and all of them run. “What the Dibabas have is what Serena and Venus have, except there are more of them,” says Ato Boldon, NBC’s track analyst. “It’s not a stretch to say they are the world’s fastest family.” Tirunesh is the most decorated, with three Olympic gold medals; Genzebe is tipped to win her first in Rio. Their older sister, Ejegayehu, 34, is an Olympian, too, with a silver from Athens, and their cousin Derartu Tulu was the first black African woman to win an Olympic gold, in the 1992 games. “World records, Olympic medals, world championships—the Dibabas’ accomplishments are unprecedented in this sport,” says Boldon.’


March 23, 2016

Last night, Ethio Telecom Chief Executive Officer, Ato Andualem Admassie Abate, attended the European Business Assembly forum, an interactive platform for international collaboration which was attended by businessmen, financiers, diplomats, leaders of chambers of commerce, business associations and business and professional unions from more than 60 countries.

Ato Andualem Admassie Abate was honoured with two awards at the event. He first received the 'United Europe Award' in recognition of the company's contribution to the development of international integration.

The main award criteria include:

International relations development

Support of region promotion and social projects

Presence in different international and regional organisations and networks

Effective international economic activities

The second award he received was the 'International Socrates Award' in recognition of the intellectual development of today's society.

The main award criteria include:

Professional experience and achievements

Global influence on social and economic progress


Enchanting Ethiopia: Hiking alongside rare wildlife in a country steeped in history

March 18, 2016

Africa Geographic have published a piece today entitled 'Enchanting ‪‎Ethiopia‬'.

Sarah Kingdom, the writer, describes Ethiopia as 'an experience like no other'. She was completely 'blown away' by her trip and says that 'stunning scenery, incredibly rare wildlife, amazing people, and history and culture combine to make it a must-visit destination.'

She finishes the article by saying: 'One thing's for certain- whatever you choose to do or however you choose to do it, a trip to this magical country in the Horn of Africa will be sure to leave you mesmerised.'

Source: Africa Geographic

Photocredit clockwise from top: Ken Haley, Simien Lodge, Luca Zanon.


James Carver MEP: Ethiopia's role in providing security in the Horn of Africa must not be overlooked'

On March 9 2016, James Carver MEP for UKIP gave a speech at the European Parliament praising Ethiopia's role in the Horn of Africa, especially regarding Eritrea.

Click the picture below to listen.

Source: UKIP MEPs


First Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350 has rolled out the paint shop


BBC World Service clip on EthioJazz and Mulatu Astatke

'Mulatu Astatke is still going after all these years. The Ethiopian musician is popularly known as the father of Ethio-Jazz and at 72 years old he's been around long enough to have played with the likes of Duke Ellington and to be sampled by the likes of Kanye West and the rapper Nas.

BBC Africa's Hewete Haileselassie interviewed him recently, and Manuel Toledo is a big fan of Mulatu.

So if you're not familiar with his music, are you missing something?' (Source BBC World Service)


Ethiopia Insight: What's ahead for the economy?

March 17, 2016

Arkebe Oqubay, special adviser to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, discusses Ethiopia's economy the challenges the country faces and his outlook for the nation.

He speaks to Bloomberg's Yvonne Man and Rishaad Salamat on "Asia Edge." (Source: Bloomberg)

Click on the picture or title to listen


Statement by the Ethiopian Embassy in London on an incident in Leeds

The Ethiopian Embassy in London wishes to express its indignation at the outrageous and unlawful incident that took place in Leeds, UK over the weekend.

The Embassy is currently exploring legal options in order to address the issue and prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future. The Embassy also wishes to make it clear that it will continue to reach out to Ethiopian communities and hold peaceful meetings including the postponed meeting in Leeds, with appropriate security arrangements in place.

To read the full statement, please click here


Last week Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn received a delegation led by Mogens Lykketoft, President of the United Nations General Assembly.

March 14, 2016

The two men discussed the number of refugees being hosted by Ethiopia, and regional peace and security.

The Prime Minister noted that Ethiopia had had to cover a deficit of as much as 25% when it came to covering the cost of hosting refugees, a deficit supposed to be shouldered by the UN.

Lykketoft praised Ethiopia's role in hosting so many refugees and its efforts in regional peace and security, stating that Ethiopia was a 'spearhead of development and peacekeeping in Africa.'


Information for stakeholders interested in participating in Ethiopia's power sector

The Ethiopian government is engaged in the development of energy infrastructure to ensure electricity provision across the country.

In order to achieve this provision it is seeking foreign investment and engagment with the private sector.

To read more about this, please click here


The Guardian prints interview with Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn

'Ethiopia is an island of stability within the Horn of Africa, which is a troubled region.'

March 09, 2016

Excerpt:'We are expending much of our energy and time securing the country. Ethiopia is an island of stability within the Horn of Africa, which is a troubled region. The government is very active in trying to keep security at the highest possible level – not only for foreign companies here, but for our own people. Security starts from home. You have to secure your own people so that those who are coming from outside also will be secured. Our people are very much engaged in fighting anti-peace elements and terrorism. There is tolerance within our community, Muslims and Christians living together in harmony. These traditional values we have should be enhanced. We put people at the centre of securing the country. You can’t secure your country with only a security apparatus and missiles.We believe that poverty is the worst enemy that brings insecurity. We have to fight poverty tooth and nail. It’s essential. The more you reduce the poverty rate, the more secure the country will be. It’s an internal problem – in-out, not out-in.'


February newsletter now available

March 09, 2016

News stories this month include:

-Egypt hosts Africa 2016 Business Forum

-Ethiopia establishes migration taskforce

-US-Africa Business Summit

-Coffee comes home

-Ethiopia launches national app store

-Ethiopia’s flower success


Ethiopian Airlines Profit Rises 12 Percent in 2014-15

March 08, 2016

Despite declining air traffic on the continent Ethiopian Airlines increased its profit by 12% in the year 2014/15, managing to hit US$165.4 million.

Despite the year's challenges, which included the ebola outbreak, the falling price of oil and instability in Africa and the Middle East, Africa's largest airline carrier managed to continue growing by managing its spending and selling its services to other airlines.

For more information click here


Ethiopia outperforms other sub-Saharan countries in World Bank Index

March 07, 2016

A new World Bank report has said that Ethiopia has a better regulatory environment that promotes the ease of doing business than other sub-Saharan African countries. Ethiopia performed particularly well on construction permits and enforcing contracts.

Indeed 12 years ago it took 47 days for a local businessman to set up a business, but now it takes 19 days.

To read more information about this, click here


Ethiopian Airlines providing Air Frame MRO to other African countries

March 07, 2016

Ethiopian Airlines has announced that it has been providing support to African state airlines in the form of Air Frame Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO).

Aman Siraj, Ethiopian Airlines MRO Market and Development Manager, said in an interview with ENA that 50 MRO professionals from Ethiopian have been giving support to the state airlines of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Malawi, Togo and Rwanda.

Other professional Ethiopian Airlines employees are also providing assistance in quality fleet services and technical support to other airlines.


Djibouti announces mega gas project

March 04, 2016

Djibouti's President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh has laid the foundation stone for a brand new gas project in collaboration with Ethiopia and China. The project will see a new pipeline, a liquefaction plant and an export terminal at Damerjog, Djibouti.

The pipeline will allow Ethiopia to export natural gas to China and support the socio-economic development of the whole region.

For more information click here


Rwand Air and Ethiopian Airlines sign agreement to share skies

March 04, 2016

Rwanda and Ethiopia have signed an agreement allowing their airline carriers (RwandAir and Ethiopian) to operate without restrictions in each other's air space. Now the airlines can operate an unlimited number of flights through each other's airspace for both passengers and cargo services.

For more information click here


Gov't Comes up with Plan to Engage Drought Victims in Development Activities

March 03, 2016

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has announced that preparations are being made to engage citizens living in drought affected parts of the country in development activities.

To read more information about the meeting please click here


Prime Minister David Cameron and Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond to visit Ethiopia

February 25, 2016

On February 24, Permanent Secretary to the UK Home Office, Oliver Robbins, met with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr Tedros Adhanom. The two discussed a variety of issues regarding the growing and important relationship between the UK and Ethiopia as well as the upcoming official visit of David Cameron and Phillip Hammond to the country.

To read more information please click here.


Amhara region at a glance Part 2

February 25, 2016 - LONDON

The Ethiopian Embassy in London has produced a video looking at the Amhara region of Ethiopia and the opportunities it offers.


Statement by the Ethiopian Embassy in London on the latest report by Human Rights Watch

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Release: Immediate

Human Rights Watch has once again come out with a report on Ethiopia with particular emphasis on the disturbances which took place in some parts of Oromia region. As usual, the report was neither a result of thorough research nor does it make a convincing effort to substantiate the allegations it contains. Instead, for the most part, it turns out to be a validation of the propaganda statements of disgruntled opposition groups. The Ethiopian Embassy in London has therefore found it necessary to set the record straight by highlighting the facts surrounding the steps taken by the government to resolve the problem.


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