Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in London


Ethiopian News
The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London
July 2017


Ethiopia lifts State of Emergency

August 4, 2017 - The House of People’s Representatives (HPR), in its extraordinary meeting held today (4th August), has lifted the State of Emergency that was declared in October, following the unrest that occurred in some areas.

The House lifted the declaration after hearing a report by the command post secretariat established to look after its implementation and about the current state of peace and stability in the country.


Ethiopian News
The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London
June 2017




UPDATE: July 5, 2017

General refurbishment and maintenance works on the Embassy building has been ongoing since 8th February 2017, with the expected completion date of December 2017.

Today, we are pleased to announce that Phase 1 of the refurbishment, the Consular Section, has been completed. Phase 2 of the refurbishment, the Ground Floor, is set to commence shortly.

During this time, access to the Embassy will be via the Consular Section at the Basement until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and offer our sincere thanks for your patience, support and cooperation.

Please CLICK HERE for further information.


Africa’s first waste-to-energy facility to launch soon

22 June 2017 - Construction of the Reppie Waste-to-Energy facility, the first of its kind in Africa, is set to be completed in September 2017, providing alternative energy generation.

Located at Koshe landfill site in Addis Ababa, the facility will process 1,400 tons of municipal waste per day and produce 185 GWHr of electricity annually, that will be exported to the Ethiopian national grid. This will be sufficient to power 25% of Addis Ababa's households.


Ethiopian News
The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London
May 2017


Grenfell Tower Block Fire

UPDATE: 28 June 2017 - According to the latest update from the Metropolitan Police, a total of around 80 people are either dead or missing presumed dead. They expect this figure to change.

The Embassy, with deep sorrow, regrets to share the sad news of the passing of five-year old Isaac Paulos, a British national of Ethiopian origin. Described by his mother Getnet Shawo as a “beautiful boy”, Isaac will be sorely missed by all Embassy staff.

Seven British nationals of Ethiopian origin are among the missing following the tragic event including: mother and son Berikti and Biruk Habtom and Hashim Kidir, his wife and their three children. We continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information as soon as it becomes available.

If you have any information concerning any Ethiopians or British nationals of Ethiopian origin in need of assistance, please contact the Embassy on one of the following numbers to speak to a member of staff: 0207 589 7212 / 0207 838 3882 / 0207 838 3884

Call the Metropolitan Police Casualty Bureau on 0800 0961 233 if you are concerned about a loved one.

  • 16 June 2017: Update - Grenfell Tower Block Fire
  • 15 June 2017: Update - Grenfell Tower Block Fire
  • 14 June 2017: Grenfell Tower Block Fire Statement (Amharic)
  • 14 June 2017: Grenfell Tower Block Fire Statement (English)
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Ethiopia Launches Online Entry Visa Application and Issuance (E-Visa)

    June 13, 2017 - ADDIS ABABA - The Ethiopian Immigration and Nationality Affairs Main Department in collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines launched the first phase an e-Visa service for international visitors to Ethiopia effective 12 June 2017.


    Statement by the Government of Ethiopia

    16 May 2017 - As part of our broader goals to improve the health and wellbeing of our people, ensure health security and fulfill our obligations under the 2005 International Health Regulation (IHR), Ethiopia has consistently demonstrated its commitment to strengthen public health and animal health systems. We have made massive investments in scaling up our health infrastructure including training and deployment of health workers. We have also built a strong national laboratory capacity and have improved our regional laboratories infrastructure.


    PM Hailemariam's Speech at the London Somalia Conference

    11 May 2017, LONDON - Prime Minister Hailemariam gave a speech today on what is important in ensuring lasting peace and sustainable development in Somalia.


    April 2017 Editorial
    Ethiopia to become the hub of light manufacturing in Africa

    Ethiopia’s second Growth and Transformation Plan will transform the industrial sector by building more Industrial Parks and new Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks (IAIPs) around the country.

    By 2025, the contribution of the industrial sector to GDP will have increased from 15% (in 2015) to 28%, and of manufacturing from 5% (in 2015) to 18%.


    Ethiopian News
    The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London
    April 2017



    A day of pride and gratitude, but don’t let us rest only on past laurels

    4 May 2017 – LONDON

    On 5th May this year, Ethiopia celebrates the 76th Anniversary of the end of Italian occupation - brought about by her patriots’ 5 years (1935-1941) resistance to fascist Italy’s second attempt to turn Ethiopia into a fully-fledged colony – with a sense of pride of place at thwarting yet another attempt by fascist Italy to subjugate Ethiopia, as well as with gratitude to those who gave their yesterday for our today. The historical significance of the day is second to none.


    March 2017 Editorial
    Enhancing Ethio-Scottish Relations

    For centuries, Ethiopia and the UK have enjoyed close economic, diplomatic and cultural relations. They provided an important foundation for the recent visit to Scotland of an Ethiopian Embassy delegation, led by H.E. Ambassador Hailemichael Aberra.

    Ethiopia shares a unique historical attachment to Scotland through the 18th-century expeditions of James Bruce, the renowned explorer and writer. Bruce explored the Blue Nile Basin and, in February 1770, reached Gondar, then the capital of Ethiopia, where he lived for some years.


    Ethiopian News
    The Monthly Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in London
    March 2017


    Dr. Workneh: “The relationship between Ethiopia and UK is strategic and exemplary”

    16 March 2017 · ADDIS ABABA ·

    While meeting the visiting UK's Secretary of State, Boris Johnson in his office today (March 16, 2017), Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh described the relationship between Ethiopia and the United Kingdom as strategic and exemplary.

    The two sides discussed bilateral and regional as well as global issues of mutual concern and trust.

    Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh expressed that Ethiopia and United Kingdom have strong and longstanding strategic bilateral-relations. He mentioned that the exemplary ties of the two countries is growing significantly year after year, since there is a significantly growing need for cooperation with the unfolding of emerging issues such as migration and terrorism.


    Government lifts parts of the State of Emergency

    March 15, 2017 - Following the restoration of law and order in many areas of the country, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia government has lifted some of the restrictions proclaimed by the State of Emergency decree in October 2016.

    Secretariat of the Command Post and Minister of National Defense, Siraj Fegessa, has announced that restrictions related to searches and arrests without court order have been lifted.


    February 2017 Editorial
    Adwa: An African Victory and beyond

    In Ethiopia, March 2 is a Red-Letter Day! On this date in 1889 Ethiopians from the four corners of the country converged in Adwa, Northern Ethiopia and, under the overall command of Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taitu, dealt a death blow to Imperial Italy’s ambition to annex Ethiopia.


    Ethiopian Ambassador visits UWS with a high level Embassy delegation

    University of the West of Scotland · 13 MARCH 2017 ·

    The Ethiopian Ambassador to the UK His Excellency Ambassador Dr Hailemichael Afework Aberra, along with seven colleagues from the Ethiopian Embassy in London, visited the Paisley Campus on Monday 6th March. This was the Ambassador’s first official visit to Scotland since becoming the Ambassador in 2016. The three day visit involved visiting a number of Scottish universities to discuss a range of collaborations in research, university administration and quality assurance.


    Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers its deepest condolences on the passing of Dr Richard Pankhurst

    February 16, 2017

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to offer its deepest condolences on the passing of Dr Richard Pankhurst in his ninetieth year.

    The doyen of historians and scholars of Ethiopia, Dr Pankhurst was one of Ethiopia's greatest friends during his long and productive life, and his scholarship and understanding for Ethiopia will be sorely missed.

    The son of Sylvia Pankhurst, a staunch supporter of Ethiopia's struggle against Italy in the 1930s, Dr Pankhurst came to Ethiopia in 1956 and devoted his life to Ethiopian studies, writing over 20 books and editing many more on aspects of Ethiopia's history, culture and economics.




    February 8, 2017

    Please be advised that general refurbishment and maintenance works are to be undertaken on the Embassy building as of today, with the expected completion date of December 2017.

    It is our sincere hope that these extensive renovations will allow us to restore the building back to its old standards, while at the same time, modernise it to provide the best experience to our valued visitors and staff.

    During the renovation period, we apologise for any inconvenience caused and offer our sincere thanks for your patience, support and cooperation.

    Please CLICK HERE for further information.


    January 2017 Editorial
    The African Union Summit

    The 28th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government began on 22nd January at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa with a three-day meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee. The 30th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union's Foreign Ministers opened on 25th January and the 9th Gender Pre-Summit and other meetings were held on the margins of the main summit.

    The theme of the Summit was: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investment in Youth.

    The Hon. Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chadian foreign minister, was elected as incoming Chairperson of the African Union Commission, the fourth chairperson from francophone Africa out of five heads since 2002.


    Dr Tedros secures WHO Director-General nomination

    H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom, Ethiopia's former Foreign and Health Minister, has secured his nomination for the post of Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO)

    The WHO Executive Board selected by vote the following 3 candidates to be presented to World Health Assembly as nominees for the post:

  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia)
  • Dr David Nabarro (UK)
  • Dr Sania Nishtar (Pakistan)
  • Throughout his career, Dr. Tedros has worked to expand opportunity for people around the world. His vision statement for a healthier world can be found on his campaign website at http://www.drtedros.com/

    All Member States will choose among the 3 nominees by vote at the World Health Assembly in May 2017. The new Director-General will take office on 1 July 2017.


    A welcome revision of FCO travel advice on Ethiopia


    December 5, 2016, LONDON - Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) revised its website travel advisory on Ethiopia, as of December 2.

    The FCO no longer advises against “all but essential travel to the Amhara and Oromia regions”, with the exception of the woredas (districts) of Tsegede, Mirab Armacho and Tach Armacho in North Gonder.


    What Tourists are Saying About Ethiopia

    November 11, 2016

    Tourists from the U.K., Israel, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Belgium and Canada speak about their experience in Ethiopia.


    Travel Restrictions on Diplomats Lifted

    November 8, 2016

    The Government of Ethiopia announced today (November 8, 2016) that it has lifted the state of emergency directive which requested that diplomats alert the control post if they planned to travel beyond a 40km (25 mile) radius of Addis Ababa.

    Siraj Fegessa, Defence Minister and Secretariat of the Command Post, which oversees the implementation of the state of emergency, said the decision to change the advice was ascribed to the relative peace and security currently evident in the country.


    Wednesday 5th October 2016

    Ethio-Djibouti railway service launched

    The Ethio-Djibouti railway service is officially launched today, setting a new standard for railway journeys in Africa.

    Africa's first electric railway, it was constructed by the China Railway Group and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation.

    The new railway line replaces the old Ethio-Djibouti railway line which was just 90cms wide. It will run both passenger and goods trains and will facilitate imports and exports from Djibouti to Addis and the rest of the country through a network of further railway developments, planned and in some cases already underway.

    The new railway will contribute a great deal to Ethiopia’s growing economy, one of the fastest growing in Africa.

    A journey that used to take 2 to 3 days by truck will now take about 12 hours. This will hugely reduce the cost of transportation and indeed the cost of goods.

    The construction project was completed in very short period of time. Ethiopia fully appreciates the management and personnel of our partners, the China Railway Group and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation and thanks them for their support and for their vision.


    Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Speaking at the 71st UN General Assembly

    September 24, 2016 - LONDON


    August 02, 2016

    Second National Ethiopian Diaspora Festival

    The Second National Diaspora Festival (NEDF), was celebrated in Bahir Dar from 28th July to 2nd August. The annual event provides a platform for the Ethiopian Diaspora Community (EDC) to see and assess development, discuss with key officials and explore opportunities in Ethiopia.

    Organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this year’s Festival was celebrated with panel discussions, workshops, exhibitions, presentations on investment opportunities and discussions on development issues like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

    Foreign Ministry Diaspora Affairs Director General, Demeke Atnafu, said Ethiopia had secured $4 billion from diaspora members living in various countries in the last year and they “are also contributing a lot to the development of the nation through remittances to support their families and various organisations.” But he added that their engagement is low compared to other countries, though their participation in trade, investment and other sectors is growing and “they are contributing their share in increasing the foreign currency reserves through opening accounts.”


    Africa’s largest eco-Industrial Park Launched

    July 14, 2016

    The Ethiopian government has launched Africa's largest eco-industrial park, dedicated solely to the textile and garment sector on Jul7 13, 2016. The 1.3-million-square-metre facility, designed and built by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, will have thirty-seven factory sheds and its own renewable electricity source.

    Built in less than one year at an estimated cost of $250 million, and located in Hawassa city, 275 kilometres southeast of Addis Ababa, the Park will create jobs for the country's young population - up to 60,000 workers at full capacity - and is expected to generate annual export revenues of up to $1 billion. It has so far attracted 15 major manufacturing firms from countries including China, Indonesia, India and the US, as well as six local manufacturers. The Park is set to employ 80,000 when an expansion project is completed in November.


    Ethiopia ’s new tourism brand :"Land of origins " Launched

    On July 14, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Hailemariam Dessalegn, launched the country’s new tourism brand - Ethiopia: Land of Origins - urging the Ethiopian Tourism Transformation Council (ETTC) to work in partnership with the private sector to “maximize the country’s resources” and "make the nation one of the best tourist destinations in the world”.

    Ethiopia’s tourism strategy has produced some encouraging results, but the sector should become more competitive in the global market, the PM said. Priorities should be national parks, ancient historical sites and Ethiopia’s very diverse cultural heritage.


    The Ethio-Israel Business Summit Opens

    July 7, 2016

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn attended an economic forum this afternoon in Addis Ababa with approximately 300 Israeli and Ethiopian businesspeople and senior company representatives, Ethiopian ministers and senior ministry officials.

  • Ethiopia, Israel agree to elevate ties to higher level
  • Joint Press Conference
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Ethiopia Defence Forces Take Retaliatory Measures

    June 14, 2016

    The Ethiopian Defence Forces have taken retaliatory measures after repulsing an attempted attack by the Eritrean army on Sunday June 12, 2016 at the Tsorona Front.


    H.E. Dr. Hailemichael Aberra Afework presents his credentials to Her Majesty The Queen

    On June 8, the new Ethiopian Ambassador to the UK, H.E. Dr. Hailemichael Afework Aberra, presented his credentials to Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace.

    The Ambassador took a horse-drawn carriage with his wife, Abebetch Zeleke Aweke, and the Marshall of the Diplomatic Corps, Mr Alistair Harrison CMG CVO. Four diplomats from the Embassy followed in a second horse-drawn carriage: Ato Fekadu Beyene (Minister Counsellor Diaspora Affairs), Ato Terefe Dida (Minister Counsellor Trade and Investment), Ato Abdullahi Yousef Sherif (Minister Counsellor Political Affairs) and Ato Abiy Berhane (Minister Counsellor Public Diplomacy).

    At the Palace, the Ambassador, his wife and all four diplomats spoke to the Queen about her visit to Axum in 1965 and the work the Ethiopian Embassy is doing in London.

    Upon their return, celebrations were held at the Embassy in Knightsbridge, which were enjoyed by all who attended. A variety of friends of the Embassy were at the event to hear a speech by the Ambassador and the Marshall, heralding and long and fruitful term for His Excellency in London.


    UK Foreign Secretary announces support for Ethiopia and Somalia

    June 03, 2016

    As part of Philip Hammond's three-day security trip to East Africa, the UK Foreign Secretary visited both Ethiopia and Somalia. During the visit Mr Hammond expressed his sympathies for the families of those that died in the recent Al-Shabab attack.

    The Foreign Secretary said: 'A secure and stable Somalia is the UK’s top priority in East Africa and is in our own national security interests. Britain is providing security support to Somalia and to the African Union to tackle Al Shabaab, a terrorist organisation that cannot be allowed to take hold.'

    While in Addis Ababa, he also encouraged the Ethiopian government to continue its support for the Somali Federal Government in order to cement the gains that have already been made. 'The whole region must work together to combat the scourge of Al Shabaab and the religious extremism that has such a damaging effect on the lives of ordinary people.', he said.

    Mr Hammond went on to say: 'Britain will continue to work with Ethiopia to protect our national security interests and to help Ethiopia manage refugees in the country, and prevent their onward migration.'


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