Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Response to The Guardian’s article on Ethiopia’s resettlement programme

July 9, 2014

Ethiopia’s resettlement programme is working!

The Guardian has published a highly misleading article on Ethiopia’s resettlement programme. ('Britain is supporting a dictatorship in Ethiopia', online on 6th July 2014, and in the print edition on 7th July 2014)

The programme has lifted hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian farmers out of poverty. This was not made clear in the article.

Here are some of the facts missing from the article:

Advocacy groups, such as Human Rights Watch, continuously engage in fault-finding missions. We appeal to responsible media not to be part of a campaign to tarnish the image of a country that is engaged in a protracted but ultimately successful struggle to eradicate poverty and build a thriving economy.

We call upon them to discharge their responsible in accordance with internationally recognised media ethics.


Link to the full article on The Guardian website.

Link to the Ambassador’s letter in the Guardian (‘Ethiopia's bid to uproot poverty’, online on 9th July 2014).

For enquiries, please contact the Press Office on 02078383880/3.



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