Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


Pictures of Yeha Temple, Aksum Stelae, Lalibela Church, Gonder Castle, Debra Damo Monastery, Mekele Castle, Harar City Wall, Blue Nile Falls and Felasha Village.

Press Accreditation for the 16th African Union Summit Extended

Journalists who are interested in covering the upcoming AU Summit are kindly requested to urgently submit their online application for accreditation at the African Union website http://au.int/en/summit/16thsummit/accreditation.


This is to announce that the Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA), in collaboration with HPP exhibitors, is organising the fourth Ethiopia’s largest bi-annual trade fair (exhibition) “HortiFlora Ethiopia 2011”, for the horticulture industry between March 23 - 25, 2011 at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa.

The 5th International Conference on Federalism

The 5th International Conference on Federalism (ICF), which was held in Addis Ababa, concluded on 16th December, drawing valuable lessons from expert analysis and shared experience from participant states of their common endeavours.The four-day conference, held under the theme Equality and Unity in Diversity for Development, is the first global conference to be held in Africa since its initiation in 1999 in Canada.

At the closing session, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said that Ethiopia and Africa in general had learnt valuable lessons from “instructive debates and discussions” held in this year’s conference. For the Prime Minister's Keynote speech, please click here.

PM Meles explains his vision for Ethiopia

Interview with Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

Ethiopia will host the 5th International Conference on Federalism from December 13 to 16, 2010. In this regard, Federations magazine published an interview with the Prime Minister in its December 2010/January 2011 issue.

14th and 15th Editions - The Grand Trade Fair

Century Promotion Service is pleased to introduce the 14th and 15th editions of the Grand Trade Fair that will take place from December 23, 2010 - January 06, 2011 and April 09, 2011 - April 23, 2011, in connection with the Ethiopian Christmas and Easter festivals at the Addis Ababa Exhibition Centre. Both events promise 20,000 - 30,000 visitors each day.


The IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government held its 16th Extra- Ordinary Summit in Addis Ababa, on 23 November 2010, under the Chairmanship of H.E. Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of IGAD to consider the progress on the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in the Sudan.

To download the communiqué, please click here.

The Great Ethiopian Run 2010

The 10th edition of Africa's biggest road race, the Great Ethiopian Run 10km, takes place this coming Sunday.

More than 35,000 runners are expected to take part in the race on a new course which includes the Gotera overpass and which has been designed to cater for larger numbers.

Ethiopia - A Journey to the Lost Kingdom

The Ethiopian Embassy, London and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), jointly organised an event where presentations were given by veteran broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby and cultural historian Gus Casely-Hayford on the documentaries on Ethiopia that they produced this year. An exhibition and an illustrated talk were also held on the RGS premises in the afternoon, promoting the natural resources and wildlife in the Gambella state.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on the Report of the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia deeply regrets that the Report of the EU EOM issued on 8 November is as flawed as the preliminary statement issued by the Mission at the close of the elections in Ethiopia on 25 May 2010.

Explore Ethiopia: A Market on the Rise

A trade and investment promotion workshop jointly organized by the London Chamber of Commerce and the Ethiopian Embassy in the United Kingdom was held on 3rd November in London. The workshop was organized under the theme “Ethiopia: A Market on the rise.”

Peace and Development Conference of Members of the Ethiopian-Somali Diaspora in the UK

Press Statement

The Peace and Development Conference of the Ethiopian Somali Diaspora Community was held on 23rd October 2010 in London, United Kingdom. The Conference was attended from cross section of the Diaspora representing over 23 associations residing in the United Kingdom. The Community members expressed their full support to the recently signed peace agreement between the Government of Ethiopia on the one hand and the UWSLF and ONLF on the other.

For the final communiqué, please click here.

Response to Human Rights Watch Report of 19th October 2010


The allegations contained in the latest HRW report on Ethiopia, entitled "Development without Freedom: How Aid Underwrites Repression in Ethiopia”, constitute a repetition of previous fabrications that were examined by Ethiopia’s development partners and were found to be baseless.

The Ethiopian government has fully demonstrated its commitment to efficient and effective utilisation of finance and other resources provided by its development partners. The Government’s track record clearly shows that it has the ability to live up to its responsibilities in this regard.

The Government of Ethiopia refutes claims of politicized aid

Press Statement

The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has noted with dismay the extraordinary attack launched against it by Human Rights Watch. It categorically rejects the accusation that it politicizes the use of development aid in any shape or form or that it has misused any of the development aid so generously provided by the international community.

Please click here for the full statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

PM Meles appoints state ministers

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi gave on Tuesday (19th October) appointments to different government officials.The appointment of the officials took effect as of October 18, 2010.

For the full list, please click here.

Parliament endorses newly appointed ministers

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi appointed 20 ministers and presented them to the House of People’s Representative (HPR) today (5th October 2010). The HPR endorsed the appointments.

For the list of the newly appointed ministers, please click here.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi sworn in for another term

Ethiopia’s leader, Meles Zenawi was sworn in to serve another five-year term, as Ethiopia’s Prime Minister by the House of People’s Representative (HPR) at the opening session of parliament on 4th October 2010.

Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Addresses UN General Assembly

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Seyoum Mesfin, addressed the general debate of the sixty-fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 29, 2010.

In his speech, he noted that democracy has taken deep roots at state level and society at large. Ethiopia’s development strategy, he said, envisages democracy, which is not an option but a means of survival for the country, as the cornerstone of political and economic governance.

For the full speech, please click here.

PM Meles Addresses the MDG Summit

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi addressed the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on 21st September 2010, making Ethiopia’s development trajectory abundantly clear in his speech. Ethiopia is making headway in bringing about sustainable development and presently it has drawn a Five-Year Growth and Transformation Plan instrumental to achieving the MDGs.

Convened by the General Assembly, the summit is aimed at spurring action towards achieving internationally agreed goals to reduce hunger, poverty and disease.

For the PM’s full speech, please click here.

PM Meles Re-elected Chairperson of EPRDF

The Eighth Organizational Conference of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) concluded today, 17th September, by re-electing PM Meles Zenawi as Chairperson.

The Conference has also elected Haile-mariam Desalegn as Deputy Chairperson of EPRDF.

The three-day conference which was held under the theme "We will make Ethiopian Renaissance Irreversible" also nominated 180 Council and 36 Executive Committee Members of the EPRDF.

25 August 2010 - PRESS STATEMENT

The terrorist attack in Mogadishu yesterday which claimed the lives of so many, including six parliamentarians, and wounded dozens more, has demonstrated yet again the challenge the people of Somalia face in their struggle to free their country from the stranglehold of Al-Shabaab, an organization whose agenda has nothing to do with the interests of Somalia or of its people.


Prime Minister Meles Zenawi gave a press conference to local and international media on 11th August 2010. The Weekly newspaper, Addis Fortune, published it in their 15th August 2010 issue.

Ethiopia’s 5-year Growth and Transformational Plan achievable: PM Meles

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said that the five-year national development and transformational plan is achievable as it incorporates positive achievements and lessons learned over the past five years. In a press conference to foreign media in Addis Ababa on 11th August 2010, the premier said it is possible for Ethiopia to double its economic growth.

Terrorist Attacks in Kampala


The terrorist attacks in Kampala last night, aimed at innocent civilians demonstrate, once again, how devilish its perpetrators are. They chose their time in a cold-bloodedly careful manner, the intention being to cause as many fatalities, and as much mayhem and destruction, as possible.

NEBE: EPRDF wins 4th National Elections

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) announced that the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has won the 4th national elections which took place on 23, May 2010.

All the results of the general election were to be declared on 21 June, 2010, as per the NEBE formal timetable.

Prime Minister Meles' Post-Election Press Conference

After his party won a vast majority of seats in Parliament (according to preliminary results), the PM shared his views on international issues, his admiration for voters, and his desires for the future of electoral politics in Ethiopia with reporters.

National Day 2010 - A Promising Future for Democratic Ethiopia


Ethiopia’s National Day - 28th May - marks the demise of the Derg military regime that was in place from 1974 until 1991 when it was overthrown by a coalition of liberation forces which demanded a democratic system that recognised the rights and freedoms of all of Ethiopia’s many nationalities.

ADA concludes a successful fundraising event

London-based Amhara Development Association (ADA) raised over £13,000 through a fundraising event held at the Ethiopian Embassy in London on 29th May 2010.

PM Meles Zenawi Speech at Meskel Square - 25th May 2010

The ruling party, Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, won majority of votes in the fourth elections held on 23rd May.PM Meles Zenawi gave the following speech at a post-election rally in Meskel Square.

Historic Election Concludes in Ethiopia


The governing EPRDF party has won a healthy majority of the votes in Sunday’s election that attracted a 90% plus voter turnout.

The ruling party’s landslide victory was a result of its track-record, which includes double-digit economic growth over the past seven years, significant improvements in people’s livelihoods, inputs in the agricultural sector which brought much increased productivity for small-scale farmers, a large increase in social infrastructure such as schools and clinics but also in roads, telecommunications and hydro-power.

Ethiopia - Kuriftu creates new lakeside lodge
Boston Partners PLC has almost finished the construction of a new lodge on the shores of Lake Tana, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

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