Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

16th African Union Summit

24th to 31st January 2011

Press Accreditation

Journalists who are interested in covering the upcoming AU Summit are kindly requested to urgently submit their online application for accreditation at http://au.int/en/summit/16thsummit/accreditation

Please not that the 15th January deadline has been extended.

After completing the online application, the form and scanned copies of all the required documents should be sent to the contact person responsible for accreditation in the DCI who is :

Mrs Rahel Akalewold
Division of Communication and Information
African Union
Room 015
PO Box 3243
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 5514555
Fax: +251 11 5511299
Email: rahela@africa-union.org

Copyright © Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. All rights reserved.