Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

PM Meles Appoints New Ministers

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi gave here on Tuesday (19th October) appointments to different government officials.

Below is the list of the appointments:

1. Nega Tsegaye, Foreign Affairs State Minister

2. Berhane Gebre-kiristos, Foreign State Minister

3. Berhanu Abera, National Defense State Minister

4. Berhanu Negash, National Defense State Minister

5. Alemayehu Ejigu, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister

6. Shimelis Kemal, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister

7. Dr. Abraham Tekeste, Finance and Economic State Minister

8. Ahmed Shide, Finance and Economic Development State Minister

9. Alemayehu Gujo, Finance and Economic State Minister

10. Dr. Kaba Urgessa, Education State Minister

11. Fuad Ibrahim, Education State Minister

12. Wondiosen Kiflu, Education State Minister

13. Firenesh Mekuyria, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister

14. Almaw Mengistu, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister

15. Sileshyi Getahun, Agirculture State Minister

16. Mitiku Kassa, Agriculture State Minister

17. Wondiyirad Mandefro, Agirculture State Minister

18. Tadelech Dalecho, Culture and Tourism State Minister

19. Dawd Mohammed, Culture and Tourism State Minister

20. Mulugeta Wuletaw, Federal Affairs State Minister

21. Wondimu Tekle, Water and Energy State Minister

22. Kebede Gerba, Water and Energy State Minister

23. Tolosa Shage, Mines State Minister

24. Dr. Kebede Work, Health State Minister

25. Dr. Kesete Berhan Admasu, Health State Minister

26. Remedan Ashenafi, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister

27. Dr. Zerihun Kebede, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister

28. Mohamuda Ahmed Gass, Science and Technology State Minister

29. Getachew Mengiste, Transport State Minister

30. Tekletsadik Reba, Transport State Minister

31. Peter Gat Cot, Communication and Information Technology State Minister

32. Hailemaskal Tefera, Urban Development and Construction State Minister

33. Dr. Misrak Mekonne, Civil Service State Minister

34. Adamu Ayana Mekonnen, Civil Service State Minister

35. Ahmed Abagisa, Justice State Minister

36. Berhanu Tsegaye, Justice State Minister

37. Tadesse Haile, Industry State Minister

38. Ahmed Tussa, Trade State Minister

39. Yakob Yala, Trade State Minister

40. Roman Gebre-sillassie, Government Whip with the rank of State Minister

41. Meles Tilahun, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister

42. Getachew Bedane, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister

43. Wondimu Gezahegn, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister

44. Alebachew Nigussie, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister

45. Mengistab Gebre-kidan, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister

46. Temesgen Tilahun, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister with the rank of state minister

47. Demisse Shito, Cabinet Affairs Advisory State Minister

48. Michael Tobias, State Minister for the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Affairs.

The appointment of the officials will be effect as of October 18, 2010.

The officials were appointed by taking into account their educational and political leadership qualification.

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