Embassy of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visits Ethiopia

A Palestinian delegation led by Dr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, paid a three-day official visit to Ethiopia earlier this week. While here, President Mahmoud Abbas and his delegation met with Ato Girma Wolde Giorgis, the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia., Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, and with Ethiopian religious leaders.

His meeting with President Girma Wolde Giorgis dwelt on bilateral issues and issues related to the Middle East peace process.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and President Mahmoud Abbas discussed and exchanged views on bilateral and regional issues as well as on the Israeli-Palestine peace process. The two sides reiterated the need to further enhance the existing bilateral relations and to see the implementation of the agreements signed between the two sides last year. Dr. Mahmoud briefed Prime Minister Meles on the peace process in detail and expressed his sincere wish to resume the direct talks with Israel once the Israeli side showed some flexibility. He also emphasized the readiness of the Palestinian National Authority to resolve all outstanding issues amicably.

He also expressed his deep concern for the situation in Somalia and the presence of international terrorists in the region and the need for the international community to assist the TFG in its efforts to address the serious security challenges it continued to face.

President Mahmoud Abbas also expressed his gratitude for the plot of land the government of Ethiopia provided for the construction of a chancery and residence for the Ambassador. He also extended his invitation to Prime Minister Meles to officially pay a visit to Palestine.

Prime Minister Meles on his part thanked the President for the briefings and expressed his commitment to strengthening the bilateral relations of the two countries. He also reiterated Ethiopia's commitment to helping the Israeli Palestinian sides resolve their differences peacefully. He also thanked the President of the Palestinian Authority for the invitation extended to visit Palestine.

Moreover, both leaders addressed questions raised by journalists and proceeded to the residence of the Embassy of Palestine to jointly lay the foundation for the construction of new embassy on the plot of land provided by the Ethiopian government.

President Mahmoud Abbas also met and held discussion with Ethiopian religious leaders on the Israeli Palestine process before he left Addis.

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